
Disney Channel

Disney Channel Ratings Highlights for July 30 – August 5, 2012

Author: Nickandmore!

Toy Story 3

via Disney Channel press release:

Ratings Highlights July 30 – August 5, 2012
Final National Ratings

Disney Channel is Cable TV’s #1 Network in Total Viewers in Total Day for 9th Straight Week; Pacing to be Year’s Winner in Total Viewers and Kids 2-11

~ TV’s #1 Total Day Network Across Target Kid Demos for 11th Straight Week;
~ 60th Consecutive Week at #1 in Kids 6-11 and Tweens 9-14

Week’s #1 Cable TV Network in Prime in Total Viewers;
Over 7 Consecutive Years as the #1 TV Network in Kids 6-11

Disney Channel: Total Day and Prime Highlights

Unequivocally the #1 network this summer, Disney Channel is ALSO pacing as the #1 cable TV network in Total Day for 2012 to date in Total Viewers (1.71 million), and as TV’s #1 network in Kids 2-11 (971,000/2.4 rating), Kids 6-11 (644,000/2.6 rating) and Tweens 9-14 (538,000/2.2 rating). Disney Channel’s Total Day was #1 in Kids 6-11 last year for the first time ever, and #1 among Tweens for the fourth consecutive year.

For the week of July 30, 2012, Disney Channel ranked as the #1 cable TV network for the 9th consecutive week in Total Viewers (1.94 million), as the #1 TV network for the 9th straight week in Kids 2-11 (1.13 million/2.7 rating), and extended its record-setting streak to 60 consecutive weeks as the #1 TV network in Kids 6-11 (799,000/3.3 rating) and Tweens 9-14 (651,000/2.7 rating).

  • Competitively, Disney Channel exceeded Nickelodeon by double-digit percentages for the 39th consecutive week in Kids 6-11 (34% – 799,000 vs. 597,000), for the 41st straight week in Tweens 9-14 (42% – 651,000 vs. 458,000) and for the 8th week in a row in Kids 2-11 (19% – 1.13 million vs. 945,000).
  • In Prime, Disney Channel was the #1 cable TV network in Total Viewers (2.53 million), and has been the #1 cable TV network for over 7 years in Kids 6-11 (1.14 million/4.7 rating – 376 weeks), and over 2 consecutive years in Tweens 9-14 (864,000/3.6 rating – 111 weeks).
  • Disney Channel delivered the week’s Top 2 cable TV Telecasts in Kids 2-11, and 4 of the Top 5:

  • Disney Channel held the week’s Top 7 cable TV Telecasts in Kids 6-11 (Top 5 below):

  • Disney Channel held the week’s #1 cable TV Telecast in Tweens 9-14, and 9 of the Top 10 (Top 5 below):

[Source: NTI, U.S. ratings. Week of 7/30/12-8/5/12: Live + Same Day. 2012 to date: 12/26/11 – 8/5/12. Competitive rank streaks include ties based on rating.]